Our Vision

To provide a professional, highly skilled Mountain Rescue service, in our operational area and beyond, and assist other Mountain Rescue teams, statutory, and volunteer emergency services.  

Our Aim

To maintain a professional and well-equipped Mountain Rescue Team, with the capability to provide a highly skilled independent or integrated specialist search and rescue resource, which operates in all-weather, in all inland environments.

Our Objectives

  • People – Ensure the Team has sufficient operational Team Members, through recruitment and an ongoing comprehensive training programme
  • Skills – To maintain the necessary skills and equipment to deliver the highest standard of casualty care, as is reasonably practical, within our operational remit
  • Safety – To ensure the Team demonstrates safe and efficient practices by following contemporary guidelines and ‘best practice’ recommendations, and by ensuring the provision of modern and appropriate equipment
  • Finance – To have clearly documented and robust financial management, including a comprehensive fund-raising strategy
  • Development – To promote continuing personal development for all Team Members
  • Organisation – To have strong leadership and a clear command structure, whilst ensuring that all Team Members are confident and responsible for their own actions whilst representing the Team
  • Standards – To commit to maintaining the core standards expected of all Operational Team Members by MREW
  • Collaboration – To engage in developing search and rescue practices within MREW, and PenMaCRA, maintaining close working relationships with both statutory emergency services and neighbouring voluntary organisations 
  • Welfare- To ensure that all Team Members are supported in their mental and physical health
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